Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Cross

The absurdity that the fate of Creation would be determined upon two pieces of wood and a single man nailed to them is a testament to the power of the paradox. The lesser side, the worldliness of The Cross, matching Christ's wholly human nature, a man who ate, slept, and cried. Wood from a tree inhabited with bugs, ripe with imperfections, truly symbolizing the world. The World which crucifies man daily with temptation. Upon it, a man who dying an agonizing death, a wholly material death. A death that resonates with every human being. On the greater side of the mystery, the God-Man resurrecting, the defeat of Materiality by the power of Spirit, the saving of Humanity. No longer a man nailed to wood, but God willingly dying, nailed to the world itself, so He may conquer it. Conquest, not by direct power, not with brimstone, but with Agony, Tears, Blood, and Sinlessness. The World revolves around this Truth, the Defeat of Death and Sin itself, the triumph of Good.